Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Meet the gang

What more could I possibly have to add from Dubai airport, you think? so much. Arrived in Germany, and met up with the rest of the groups. There's 60 of us who will be travelling most places together, and  reportedly a much bigger group we might be bumping into some places -exciting! We discovered there were some Australians that had been on our plane all the way from Melbourne (not the one below -he was the random Aan sat next to). The Aussies are younger and haven't learnt German for very long so they're speaking English a lot. The guy and the girl that were on our plane are keen though! Had some good convos on the train to Bonn -loving it so much! The kiwis and the two Aussies are staying in the same hotel (everyone has to stay in different ones because they're not big enough -cute right!) and it is so lovely! I've got a Swedish girl and the German girl (there's a German with each group) in my group. Feels great to relax, (use the amazing facilities -they have errythang) and listen to some NZ music -it's such a buzz speaking another language! She did a year-long exchange in America though so it's tricky listening to English songs and not switching to English! Got to go -our groups are going out to different restaurants for tea (plus wifi is 1 euro) -bis später!

1. The other two + Lyndon the Australian friend in Dubai
2. Lillian and me in Germany finally!
3. The Aussies <33
4. the beautiful view from my hotel
5. my only German roomie xo

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Dead in Dubai

One whole day of travelling down, only 6 or 7 more hours to go! We arrived at 5.45am in Dubai, but our watches still say 5 past 3pm. It was quantity not quality sleep-wise though, and a raspberry tart from my favourite French bakery, Paul at Dubai airport was much welcome after a long night. Took us a whole hour to walk from where we finished to our next gate though -and bizarrely there are two sets of identical elevators with two identical giant waterfalls so it seemed like they were sending whole crowds of people round in circles! Once we finally met up with Aan Chu (our final Kiwi) and her Aussie friend she'd met on the plane (I'd made her a card with her name on -Aan Chu just the best person to make name puns about) ;) The luxury in Dubai is amazing though -and props for the free wifi xx (Melbourne, not so much).
 1. We took this at the beginning of one of the flights -didn't want to leave it until the end haha

2. Memories, all alone in the moonlight <3

Monday, 24 June 2013

Made it to Auckland!

A very nice German woman from ILEP met me at Auckland airport, and I got to meet up with one of my fellow Kiwis, Lillian! We're about to board for Brisbane, Dubai, then to Düsseldorf from there. Planning our menu and movie choices already xo. Watch and bag broken already but yolo. Waiting at the airport and making use of the free wifi.. it's tempting not to buy everything already! This trip is going to be a good test of my self-control (got to fit into my ball dress as well as not break my budget!)